Every time you hear the word hacking, the first thing that comes into mind is something malicious. However, that’s not always the case. There is also another form of hacking …
Tashina has been an avid cybersecurity writer for many years. She is passionate about cybersecurity and enjoys learning and writing about the latest trends, issues and challenges in the industry.
Penetration Test, otherwise known as a Pen Test, has become a necessary part of a comprehensive security program. It is a simulated security attack on PC frameworks and systems or …
Conducting a penetration test successfully is a challenge for every tester. It does not only require probing into systems by running testing tools. In fact, it needs a lot of …
If you have moved your data to the cloud, you still have the responsibility to secure it. Penetration testing is still as much important on cloud as it is in …
Often people misunderstand the difference between vulnerability scanning vs penetration testing and use the two terms interchangeably. A vulnerability scan seeks to search a system for known vulnerabilities, whereas a …
Security breaches of high-profile businesses has continued to dominate headlines in the media in recent times. This increasing trend indicates increased security risk for big and small businesses. As they …
If you are the owner of an E-commerce store, you must be wary of potential threats that damage your business and customers. Businesses are often so immersed in other processes …