Red Team Security Analysis Best Practices

by Tashina

A red team security analysis helps find as many vulnerabilities as possible in a system. It generally involves lateral thinking, trying various attacks and considering how to bypass certain defences. Here are some best practices to ensure that both the customer and the Red Team have a great assessment experience.

Planning a Red Team Security Analysis

Take the time to plan operations in advance. Though the details of a certain engagement depend upon the environment of the customer, it’s a good practice to proactively plan for potential attacks. By planning initial phases and roles, the red team can ensure that the customer gets a detailed engagement.

Documenting a Red Team Security Analysis

Once done with planning the assessment, always draft a mutually signed document that outlines rules of engagement. Discuss potential attack vectors with customer and get approval for any tactics you plan to use. This is important to prevent legal liabilities later on.

Use Different Methods

An attacker can use different methods to conduct the same attack with the help of different techniques and tools. Keeping the test as realistic as possible, mix up your assessment instead of going through a checklist of using same tools and techniques such as a secure code review.

Red Team Tools

When conducting a red team security analysis you can conduct various tests with different tools such as MetaSmash. You can make a choice between tools and techniques using a variety of factors such as efficiency and familiarity.

However, you must consider some important factors when making the choice. One factor is the assessment’s impact on the customer’s system and network. Sometimes, a system that is unstable is brought down due to certain tests or tools. Wherever possible, your red team should use tools that limit this possibility.

Record Everything

When conducting a red team security analysis, always keep a detailed record of everything. This is beneficial for both the customer and red team members. On the customer’s part, it benefits them with understanding the assessment narrative from the beginning till the vulnerability exploitation. On the team’s part, it helps them figure out the problem if something goes wrong.

Provide Quantifiable Value

The results of red team security analysis typically include a list of vulnerabilities discovered and the recommendations for corrections. However, to fully satisfy the customer and improve the probability of repeat business, one must provide something of measurable value to the customer. This could be providing additional information, such as demonstrating that the team tested potential attacks of high probability and severity.

Red Team Security Analysis Quote

All assessments are unique and may require different tools and tactics. However, it’s always advisable to follow best practices. Our red team at Aardwolf Security ensures that best practices are followed in order to provide maximum value to our customers, get in touch via our contact form or fill out our online pen test quote form.

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